Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Things are coming together!!!

Wow, what a day and where to start.  Early to rise with breakfast on the table and ready at 7:30am, so shortly after having my poached eggs it was off to work on the mile long walkway that I started yesterday, when the 3 point blade broke.   So, I used the tractor with a scoop and a rototiller  to tear up the ground and shape the path.  here are some pictures.
As you can see, I have the rock, which will go on the path after all the dirt work is done.  I will put mounds of it on the track with the front loader and then go along with the 3pt blade and shape it along the path and then roll it down.  Pretty simple, just time consuming.

After I got the path pretty well laid out , I went and built a couple french drains for the water off the field to our north to drain into the pond but not wash out our walk path.  Here are a couple pictures of that.

So the top picture is the ditch that I built to handle the water off of the field and the bottom is the ditch that will carry the water to the pond off of that same drain.   where the drain crosses the walk path I'm going to put in Rock and pipe to carry the water and not wash out the bike path or the dirt.  Which brings  us to what I did right after lunch.  Went to the river and picked up some rock for the drains..

Well, enough of the fun stuff.  I had much to go.  just going to let the ground dry up a little and then I will dig out some more of the dirt where there are high spots and make sure it all goes downhill and doesn't pull at any points in the drain work.

Katie was mowing yesterday and stirred up a baby rabbit.  Momma rabbit was no where to be found and they were trying to run under the mower, so I grabbed them and the girls put them in a box.  They are so cute.

I forgot to mention that first thing this morning, our momma cat brought her kitten out to play.  It was jumping around and chasing momma's tail and just having a ball.  I love kittens.

I also took some time to take a picture from the dam of the pond back towards the house.  Boy is this thing going to hold a lot of water.  Notice the green in the pond?  Well, my dad put $50 worth of grass seen on the pond and raked it in, but a and 1" 1/2 of rain washed it all into the pond.  We have a new plan for the grass.  here is that picture.

Then of course, the potato's decided to be ready to dig, so at some point tomorrow, I will be on the wrong end of a potato fork digging up potato's.

Well, that's all for now.  Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

Today's Poem

Your path may lead you left
or maybe it will travel right
its best to stay close to the path
or atleast keep it in sight

always something or someone
trying to pull you off the trail
keep your eyes focussed on the goal
your course you'll never fail

weather walking or living your life
there are many choices to make
the trails are narrow where you must go
with God theres no mistake.

<3  Jay

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