Sunday, June 19, 2011

A great day to be a father

Had a great many "happy father's day" wishes from very special people.  you know who you are...thank you, you made my day.  My kids wished me happy fathers day also.  Love you Brittany, Jamie, Mandy and Katie..  Mandy and Katie got me some clothes..since I'm lacking in my western wear!!!  and I am kidding, but I am always wanting more...since 5 pair of boots and 50 pair of Levi's aren't enough...Katie had me model them for her and she took a picture..

thank you girls...

so slept in a little today, atleast later than the 6:15am that I have to get vertical if I want to walk the trail with my mom in the morning before breakfast...  Then we went to church and had great fathers day services.  Very good attendance today.  We even had some chirpers in attendance.  I have pictures to point them out noisy bunch too..  I think one of them was hungry..

These little guys were above the 2nd entrance to the church.  Not very many hours old and hollering for food...:)

came home from church and had ribeye, new potato's from our garden and salad along with Strawberry shortcake for desert.  very, very good.   then Katie and I went swimming for a couple hours.  Went back to church and had dinner there and a message on how Tongues are not scriptural.  It was a very good lesson.

When I got back home, mom and I went for a walk on the trail and then she went in. I went for another trip around and stopped to try and take some pictures.  I was trying to catch a shot of a lightning bug as it lights..very difficult.  Here is what I came up with.  It's amazing how much light their little rear end puts out...

all that light reflecting off of a leaf.  amazing stuff.  I stopped on the way back up to the house and took a picture of the cantaloupe plants....they are doing so good.  we will be rolling in them before to long cause this is just one of 5 plants and then the watermelon and cucumber plants are doing just as good as this one...

I forgot to mention that while I was on the trail I stopped by the pond to check on grass growth and noticed a turtle burrowing down in the mud to make a nest for offspring or just to stay cool,,,but I'm thinking she is planning on having little ones...what do you think?

well that's about it for today.  going to borrow a dump truck from a member of our church and haul some rock from the quarry to finish the path..  It will take many loads...

My dad

I remember when you were young
with hair upon your head
I remember playing catch
and when you tucked in bed

I remember every birthday
the gift brought home in the trunk
I remember all your muscles
mom said you are her hunk

but most of all I remember
the example that you've led
by taking us to church
where by Gods word we were fed



  1. oh, come on! you have to pose for a photo in front of THAT picture frame???

  2. i hereby request the photo be cropped to just you! and PRONTO!
