Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Journey Home

Back in 1999 I moved out to Colorado to work for my older brother at the company he started from scratch.  He had been at it for 10 years almost and had built it to 70+ employees.  I started in the maintenance department and moved into Management as the company grew to 250 employees.  He sold the company in 2005 and i worked there for another 3 years before moving on to another company that he had been involved in starting.  I had to part ways with that company and with unemployment here so high, couldn't find a job.

I grew up in Udall, KS , worked for the City of Udall until 1999 and my parents still live in the country just outside of Udall, so returning to the area where I grew up seems natural..

My 3rd daughter has finished her first book and has parts of the next 5 in the sequel started, so she is on her way to being a very successful book writer.  They are great books.  I will tell you more about them in future updates.

My youngest daughter will be a freshmen in highschool next the time flies.  She is super great...of course all my daughters are..:)

This is the car that I'm hauling back to Kansas on my trailer.  I have it packed full of all my belongings..

and of course I will be pulling the trailer with my Ford pick-up, which I love to drive.  smooth and quiet, well when my daughter isn't rockin it with her tunes...of course I play my Alabama pretty loud too...

this is where I'm headed....the house with a pool...where I will be swimming all summer.  I love to swim and it's great excercise...the shop with the dome on top is full of wood working equipment, which I work with my dad making things..lots of fun.  The tractor and toys are in the other half and there is a telescope in the is great.  The garden is just this side of the shop and full of lots of good produce...yay

and of course, we will be hard at work all the time.  no time for play.  But if there is time, we will be running here and there on the go-kart....:)

have a great weekend and if you get a chance...please pray that the Girls and I have a safe trip with no problems as we drive to Kansas pulling the trailer all day.

Jay (aka: NY ) Jay-way

1 comment:

  1. Wow glad to hear that you and the girls can head back to your home and be able to be around your family and continue living life out there like you never left. I will miss you guys even though we haven't gotten to see one another for some time. I pray for your safe travels, can't wait to hear bout the books so I can go buy copies of them and read them all once they are finished. Tell your mom and dad that my mom and I say hi. Wish you guys all the best look forward to reading more soon.
