Sunday, June 12, 2011

Getting into a routine...

First Sunday in Kansas and trying to get back into a normal routine, whatever that means.  I had a set schedule when I was in Colorado.  Get up at 7:30 and go run/jog/walk and then eat and continue my day with Video work for my brother or Photo work or prep my things for the move.  Now that I am here, it's time to get back on track and make sure that I don't get lazy...:)  as if Grandma would let that happen..

Well, since we were talking about the move...I took some pictures earlier of the truck and trailer before we unloaded.  Mind you, the car and the items were all wrapped so neatly and I was soooooo proud of how well I did and as I drove across town in Aurora, CO it held up so nice and looked neat.  Well,  lol  here is how it looked when I arrived at my destination in Udall.

Well as you can see.  there were a few things hangin out of the tarp when I got there, but nothing left on the highway...  so much for the neat wrap job with all the shrink wrap plastic..which you could see hanging off of the trailer on the first picture.

Well, back to my adventures for today.  Got up early and had breakfast with the family and had our morning devotions and then we went to church.  Country church that my dad started back in the 80's..The same core group of members are there and it has grown over the years.

After church we went to Pizza hut and ate the buffet and they gave us all the left over pizza from the buffet and let us take it to our church fellowship tonight that we have every Sunday night before the service.  Can you imagine?  Pot Luck dinner every Sunday night?  I can feel the pounds coming back on...but I was good.   After Pizza hut we went home and changed.  Mom and I went out and flagged the location for the walk/bike trail that I'm going to put in for us, so that we can walk or bike without going out on the dirt road and going to far away from the house.  this trail will require blading with the tractor, applying sand and gravel surface and then rolling with a home made cement packer and also I will have to build some french drains at a couple places so the water off of the fields can drain to the pond without washing out our trail.  It will be nice.  As I complete parts, I will take pictures and put them in my blog.  FYI:  I plan on taking pictures of the pond progress tomorrow and I will share.  We have had 3 significant rains.  1", 1.5" and 9/10" rains in the last few days and the pond is filling up nicely.

After we got the flags done for the layout of the trail,(by the way, the trail measures almost exactly 1 mile in length) we got ready for evening church services and fellowship and went to church.  Where I was good and ate small portions and stayed away from all the wonderful deserts.  after church the girls were out horsing around on the playground equipment and I snapped a couple shots of them.  They are such hams and very beautiful.  Of course...I would think so.

We had fun and of course the sun was going down so I had to snap a picture of the beautiful Kansas sunset and it has been really pretty the last few nights.

so church was over and we headed back to the that the day is gone, how am I going to get my 45 minutes to an hour of exercise in before the day is over.  Well, I did think of something....

yes, about 45 minutes of laps back and forth in the pool.  Katie came out and snapped a couple pictures and since I we were swimming in the moonlight, she got one with the moon in it.  Nice picture Katie...:)
Was a great end to the day.

Poem for today

Busy lives we live each day
many things to do
we can find time for what we want
it's up to us to choose

you can live it by yourself
and push those who love you away
or hold your loved ones close
and there they will always stay

live your life to the fullest
with a smile upon your face
God has something special for you
when you have him in the right place.  jth

I pray you have a blessed week


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